
the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, forexciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thought.


What makes a "good" poem? 

A poem is a beautiful way of speaking feelings. A couple of things that make a "good" poem to us is that it has to have meaning. Not just a bunch of non-sense. But a story behind the small words. It also has to have some kind of rhythm. It doesn't always have to rhyme, but its always nice to make it have a beat to it. What we think also makes a good poem is that it needs to show expression. There must be a deep feeling into it, if you want the readers to feel what you feel when writing it. Each individual has their own way of making a "good" poem. But not most can get the attitude of the poem to the reader's attention. But to us , here in illuminate we think these are key notes to having a "good" poem. Show us YOUR "good" poems?